marijuana that smells extremely bad, hence the name. but we all know if it smells bad it’s going to be a good high
by ale.xan December 3, 2018
An exceptonally potent strain of marijuana that gives off an odor similar to that of it's name. Don't however, be fooled by the smell into thinking it's shit, as it will send you to Mars and beyond.
Guy #1: Yo' man what chu sellin' today?
Guy #2: I just picked up an ounce of some fire cat piss!
Guy #1: Oh snap, hit me up with an 8th of that shit!
Guy #2: Fuck no, I'm keepin' this shit for myself.
Guy #2: I just picked up an ounce of some fire cat piss!
Guy #1: Oh snap, hit me up with an 8th of that shit!
Guy #2: Fuck no, I'm keepin' this shit for myself.
by Kemp Disaster January 8, 2006
(n.) Disgusting tasting liquid. Quite possibly the main ingredient for budweiser, since it certainly ain't alcohol, water or even fruit flavourings.
by Gumba Gumba May 28, 2004
by MattOllie April 5, 2007
by CLAYTRON9000 January 30, 2010
by george November 11, 2003
Geez, that dude who always smells like rotten ass smells even worse today!!! I think he's wearing his cat piss jersey today.
by cheers July 19, 2004