A name given to any Kieran, unless the Kieran in question is a sick guy in the first place. Most of the time however, this is not the case, otherwise thus would have been entitled Kieran in the first place.
"Hey look its Queeran. Hey Queeran, how are you?"
"Its Kieran FFS!"
"What was that Queeran?"
by Cheeran September 29, 2009
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A strange, bushy-haired creature that reproduces by forcing itself on unsuspecting hoovers.
I thought I saw a dyke once but it was just a Queeran.
by Johnny Ray Rogers January 7, 2012
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a LGBT person that has a robotic or bionic body part that uses the part for evil.
That Queeranator just wrecked gotham city with its robo-cock!
by Juulman69 April 3, 2018
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