Used mostly in quiet circumstances to obtain the attention of another person. Occasionally used in a loud, sarcastic tone in a situation that obviously doesn't require silence.
Psst. Hey you. (quiet)

PSSSSST. HEY. YOU. (unquiet)
by larry lunch September 14, 2006
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A form of getting he/she's attention without having to greet them using their name.
I heard a slight whisper in the classroom, saying psst can I borrow a pencil.
by Joejoflow March 14, 2020
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Let's make something happen tonight.
Okay. I'll be over there in a few minutes.
by D Goody December 14, 2010
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The Largest Word in the English Alphabet, Because you can use as many of the letter "S" as you want
by GraveUrban May 28, 2022
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1. Offensive slang for "hey you" for people who want to act like snakes.
2. A pissing sound.
3. A sound used to call attention to someone in quiet cirumstances for a pseudo-slick impression.
4. A trick. The psst sound is draw, they come to wisper something in your ear while another kid sets up on all 4s behind your legs, then you're on your ass. Usually followed by a, "hahahaha, idiot." and sometimes a gunshot.
Dude! Quite peeing on my desk!
by May 18, 2004
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