1. The condition or status of having french fries, mozzarella cheese curds and beef gravy added to a foodstuff, person or object.

2. A large group of people, or a location containing people, who have great taste.

The term is derived from the Canadian dish "Poutine", which is made of french fries covered in cheese curds and beef gravy. The dish has been known as "Disco Fries" in certain areas of the United States.
1. I have poutinized your salad by adding more gravy to it.

2. Canadians have are certainly poutinized as a result of their rich cultural heritage.
by Snail Shell July 1, 2010
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1. The process by which French fries, cheese and gravy become poutine.

2. A portmanteau of the words “poutine” and “nation”. Taken literally, a nation of poutine.

3. An online community of poutine enthusiasts, based in Canada.
As the piping hot gravy comes in contact with the fries and cheese, they undergo poutination.
by Poutination August 14, 2014
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A Quebec (or French-Canadian) staple, a dish of homemade french fries topped with white cheddar cheese curds and beef gravy (wannabes and some americans have been known to serve this dish with any cheese and turkey gravy). Generally served in a styrofoam container or carton.
Man, I ate so much poutine my heart hurts!
by Discofunk March 29, 2005
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Poutinize refers to the action of converting your side of French fries to a poutine.
Waitress: Would you like fries or a side salad with that sir?

Customer: Can I get the side of fries and can I poutinize them?

Waitress: Definitely that will be an additional $2.50.
by kelsraewilly March 30, 2014
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What happens to someone when their opponent sinks a disc in the center target hole in a game of crokinole.

Derived from the American name for the center hole in a crokinole board "the Poutine"

Pronounced (Pooo-Teen)
Nice shot. Looks like you really poutined Dixon.

Yeah. His last shot was not a valid shot and he left the board open.
by ChiefErik March 18, 2018
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One of the un-missable features of Quebec is poutine. This wonderful meal is basically made of fries, cheese, and gravy. The perfect poutine is one that contains fresh cheese with hot sauce that can melt it, and crispy fries. It would also be nice to have some bacon too. There are many variants of poutine, including but not limited to :

"Italian" poutine : Gravy is replaced by spaggetthi sauce
BBQ poutine : Normal gravy is replaced by BBQ gravy
"All dressed" poutine : It may contain bacon, onions, pepperoni and other ingredients.
I ate a poutine yesterday, I hope I won't suffer an heart-attack.
by atomicSpatule March 23, 2006
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The authentic poutine is a dish that is comprised of fries, fresh cheese curds and gravy. Items are placed in this order on the dish. You can tell the freshness of the cheese by the squeek factor it offers. This is a dish that is part of the french canadian heritage.
Gosh, all that sex made me so hungry, I wish I could have a poutine to fill me, cum wasn't enough!
by Hungry for cheese March 6, 2020
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