Roses are red
Violets are blue
Pope is a chad
But you are a virgin
by Skinnymister February 9, 2021
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A guy who is named with the letter Z first or Albatrosski
by ZitengPie July 4, 2022
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did you hear about the new pope
yeah he looks like a creep
by the insomniac0065 March 9, 2022
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The type of dude that thinks he gets ass and thinks he has everything figured out. In all reality, he’s a simp and one of the slummiest in the group. Commonly seen as the biggest puss in the group.
Thank God I’m not Pope. You’re the Pope of the group.
by YungKingDave March 10, 2020
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when a guy is in religious power and leads people with his power
“hey look at those two guys, they’re gonna pope it up.”
“hey, guess what? the pope was nominated to pope things up.”
by valaza04 November 20, 2020
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an act of bdsm sex when you spank the person's ass and claim they've been naughty even though they've done nothing. Then you cum at the wall screaming "BIG BIG CUMGUS BIG CUMGUS" while your partner puts on a ball stretcher. you then go in doggystyle and watch pewdiepie and keanu chungus having sex whoelsome 100
me and my gf had Sheep Pope last night, it was ecstatic.
by thetechtoot October 27, 2020
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verb: (to) rebel against authority, whether its against the government, your parents (if you are a minor and living at your parents) or against your boss/supervisor at work or other people who have some kind of authority over you.
mother: Daniel, go do your homework instead of playing Minecraft, like watching porn, and bumble-stumbling at either Anna's house or the mall. I as your mother, by default, take away your privilege of being able to anger the Pope. Got that?
by Sexydimma June 29, 2012
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