Meaning: to put (something) up, often money. Pony, derived from pone, Lat. (present imperative, sing.) Poneo, ponere, "to put" Hence, to pony up is frequently used in monetary settings and games of chance where the demand is made to "pony up", or stake a monetary sum.
by A. Discipulus. July 31, 2013
by octopod February 8, 2004
by Mark Singer February 6, 2004
by ian the d February 6, 2004
* Applejack is about to arm wrestle Rainbow Dash *
Applejack: Let's arm wrestle for the tickets!
Rainbow Dash: Alright, pony up bitch!
Applejack: Let's arm wrestle for the tickets!
Rainbow Dash: Alright, pony up bitch!
by MonotoneTyler13 July 1, 2011
by Jimmy Ray February 6, 2004
by Bill February 9, 2004