pony up

Meaning: to put (something) up, often money. Pony, derived from pone, Lat. (present imperative, sing.) Poneo, ponere, "to put" Hence, to pony up is frequently used in monetary settings and games of chance where the demand is made to "pony up", or stake a monetary sum.
by A. Discipulus. July 31, 2013
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pony up

Pay up; pay the two dollars.
We've been drinking for two days. Now it's time for you to pony up your share.
by octopod February 8, 2004
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pony up

Pitch in some money to help pay for a group item.
We're all getting Beth a stripper for her 30th birthday. Did you pony up
by Mark Singer February 6, 2004
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pony up

to pay up after losing in poker or other card games
my full house beat your pair, pony up biatch
by ian the d February 6, 2004
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pony up

brony speech for "step up" or "man up"
* Applejack is about to arm wrestle Rainbow Dash *
Applejack: Let's arm wrestle for the tickets!
Rainbow Dash: Alright, pony up bitch!
by MonotoneTyler13 July 1, 2011
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pony up

An act of pooling everyone's money in the current group together.
Who wants to order a pizza? Everyone who does, pony up!
by Jimmy Ray February 6, 2004
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pony up

To put up enough money to stay in a hand of poker.
You need to pony up the cash in order to stay in the hand.
by Bill February 9, 2004
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