Simalar to the "Ice Bucket Challange", accept the ice water is replaced with urine and excremiment. The challenge is often issued to someone that you don't like.
by EIDT December 5, 2014
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A group act of defiance perpetrated by disgruntled employees, students or other activists that results in urine, rather than cleaning agent, to be unwittingly distributed on the floor of a relatively small, enclosed space; given sufficient time, the now ripened piss causes the air to become unbreathable, the facility itself rendered temporarily toxic.
We're all in this together; EVERYONE, even you ladies, gotta step-up and piss in the mop bucket! Now's our chance to get some payback!
by YAWA August 27, 2017
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An Australian slang, for the cell police throw you in for the night, due to being heavily intoxicated (or on the piss). Generally people get thrown in the piss bucket, when causing a disturbance or mischief when drunk
I was really pissed/drunk/intoxicated and threatened to beat up a bouncer. I caused a scene and the police came and threw me in the piss bucket (prison cell) for the night, to sober up.
by TempahRelapse June 2, 2015
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piss bucket /n/ (pizz-buck-it ) A temporary cannister for unaware expulsion of piss when a urinal or washroom is not immediately present. (2): A bucket o' piss usually found in garages or foyers uesd only as a convient way to get rid of piss. (not to be confused with a porta-potty or outhouse)
Hey, would you please empty the piss bucket on your way out the back door?
by Koola User September 11, 2003
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a piss bucket is someone who is only worth the volume contents of a bucket of piss
my ex-girlfriend fiona smith is a piss bucket
by paul September 28, 2003
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n. metaphor for an unpleasant task rightfully another's not willingly taken on.
This boss has me carrying his piss bucket again.
by Stu Pender September 12, 2006
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Like a soggy biscuit, the game of piss bucketeer involves a group of men around a bucket. Each must piss into the bucket going around the circle until someone runs out. Whoever is the first unable to pee must drink the contents of the bucket, either straight or through a beer bong.
Leah: Michael and the guys played piss bucketeer last night.
Andre: who lost?
Leah: Jared, apparently he only made it halfway down before puking.
by spiders&socks November 28, 2021
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