5 definitions by EIDT
Scoring term used in the game of washers. This is when the score is tied 2-2. One may use this term to annoy his opponent(s) and insinuate that said opponent just took 2 fingers in their anus.
by EIDT December 2, 2014
by EIDT December 5, 2014
The act of urinating on a pile of fresh excrement. This is usually done by humans after they take a tremendous dump.
by EIDT August 18, 2014
Simalar to the "Ice Bucket Challange", accept the ice water is replaced with urine and excremiment. The challenge is often issued to someone that you don't like.
by EIDT December 5, 2014
Radio show hosted by professional dump taker, Dr. Chase. Includes audio of a big dump taken live on the air along with political, music, sports, and pop culture discussion and commentary.
by EIDT September 21, 2014