by Holiday138 November 19, 2015
I hate hanging out with Bob anymore cuz all he does is piss and moan about losing his leg in that car accident.
by Cliff96 June 18, 2005
Unnecessary moaning (and sometimes necessary), whining, querulous talk, petty complaining, constant uttering of annoying stuff. Australians called the Brit's "Winging Poms" but it was bloody aweful in Oz with spiders, snakes and croc's....
Yes 'Piss and Moan' is about bitching, but not necessarily in an "annoying" way - some things NEED whining about or nothing actually annoying will ever get changed...such as bribes, cussing, spitting, life..........
by Daze Off April 30, 2009
by linenmaster March 31, 2012