observing your pet feline scratch furniture while resting securely in the knowledge said feline's front claws have been removed.
by D B Stinecipher February 15, 2005
Guy 1: Why a long face larry?
Larry: I don't have much time so I'll give a piece of mind to you, my gf cheated on me and I'm just about to kill her.
Guy Everyone: O.O
Larry: I don't have much time so I'll give a piece of mind to you, my gf cheated on me and I'm just about to kill her.
Guy Everyone: O.O
by Jake N. Mason September 24, 2010
by eSHTEBALA October 23, 2007
Cranial tranquility dat comes from either "having a girl in every port" or knowing dat you possess "holstered insurance".
Madea claimed dat --- by her being able to "get her Glock" at any time dat she felt da need for it --- she gained piece of mind regarding "da getters gettin' her"; judging by her perpetually-tense-'n'-temperish emotional state, however, I seriously wonder if said easy access to powerful weaponry actually had much if any calming effect on her.
by QuacksO December 24, 2024