1. A word used to define something which has anti-stereotypical, ironic, or contradictive qualities.

2. An indie band from Wolverhampton, UK who have several amazing songs and gig on a regular basis around the midlands area!
1. If you're a pig and you snort cocaine, that's paradoxic.

2. "Hey, have you heard of paradoxic?"
"Yeah, I went to their gig last week"
"Oh cool - I've only heard them on myspace"
"oooh, what is it, i can't find it?"
by AgzOrns March 13, 2009
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A website created by a teenage girl (Online name: Soloria) for her and her friends to roleplay on. Generally one of the only original roleplay websites on the internet.
URL: Paradoxrealms.webs.com
Soloria: Hey, May, no one's gotten on Paradox today!
May: Jonah said she'd be online later. Chill out...

Alex: Hey, you seen Avel on Paradox lately?
Soloria: Ya, he was on earlier. He showed me the wonders of Meatspin.
Alex: Meatspin? Wassat?
Soloria: <link>
Soloria: Now, let's rp.
Alex: Fine... ;___;
by Triumphant Queen of Everything February 12, 2012
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Something that is both right and wrong. Something that contradicts itself, and usu. thereby proves a thesis by refutation or instantiation.
If I went back in time and killed my mother, then I would be dead. But I would never have been able to go back in time to kill my mother if I died.
by anycon June 23, 2003
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The state of being dangerously self-contradictory and unsolvable. This word is a combination of the words "Paradox" and "Toxic."
by JonAndrewDavis July 30, 2005
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Conflicting thoughts or ideas within the same person
I'm in a paradox about the quality of Georgia peaches
by Hahimrightbitch123432 February 12, 2019
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A shot consisting of one part kaluha, one part goldschlager, and one part malibu. It is a potent shot, used only to consume the last quanities of alchohol in your house as so your future self does not return home in order to consume it, thereby lessening the chance of a time-space paradox.
Man1: "Yo I think our future selves are confusing our friends and might stop by to drink the last of the booze."

Man2: "Shit, then we better make a quick round of paradox shots as so they don't show up."

Man1: "Bitchin."

Future Man 1: "Fuck, we drank the last of the booze."

Future Man 2: "Well, no use in going back to the house then."
by Nads The Great February 21, 2010
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American Middle-Man: Man! That guys so rich he has a paradox!!
American Middle-Man #2: Couldn't have bailed us out could he?
by JoeManx June 2, 2009
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