When you consume too much of an item. Commonly used for someone that takes too many drugs.
DMC, we have a mid-thirties male found down, unresponsive, Possible overdose, substance unknown, Pulse is 60 and thready, respiration’s 8, He’s intubated And we’re bagging him now. Uh, BP 90 over palp, patient is cool, pale and diaphoretic. Has aspirated, Uh, GSC is 3, Will update en route, ETA 10 minutes.
by 42.3314°N, 83.0458°E November 5, 2017
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successfully ending the pain.
last night i overdosed. i don't remember anything. thank you.
by david.f July 6, 2007
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An excessive dose, especially of a narcotic
My maye sniffed 1Kg of cocaine in one sitting and died of an overdose
by sniper June 9, 2004
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When about to ejaculate, you place your hand over the other persons mouth and one nostril as they exhale. Then you let go of the mouth and ejaculate into the open nostril as that person inhales.
My girlfriend just had a relapse with the Overdose!
by Gorden May 11, 2006
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Overdosing is so cool that ima do it right now(totally gonna take pills and overdose)
by Thehateugive713 January 31, 2020
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Lecrae (a christian rapper)'s fifth studio album's title. It is the best selling christian hip-hop album thus far. By 'Overdose', Lecrae meant that he overdosed not on drugs, but the Holy Ghost. He made a strong statement in the album's introduction about the contrast between his new definition of the word, and everyone else's definition in the mainstream world. Overdose was an extension to his previous album, Rehab.
"I'm on that Overdose! Old me comatose!" - Lecrae
by AltermaxProductions January 26, 2011
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When a large group of codenames stands in or walks by your local vicinity.
OMG serious overdose after 1st period today.
by Jake Coolson February 29, 2008
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