Jason kept over dicking it by bragging how he made more money than the rest of us.
by SarahKelly September 30, 2019
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The female equivalent to the male saying "bros over hos." It means to put your ladies first, then your male partners second.
Girl one : You wanna party tonight ?
Girl two : I made plans with the bf, but hey, chicks over dicks, right ?
by Chiggx January 7, 2008
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When someone is put into a position where they are totally screwed. Often the person responsible for this is awarded the Dick of the Year award.
(while playing mini golf)
Person 1-"Aww, what the hell, your ball is right between mine and the hole!"
Person 2-"Yeah, you really got dicked over on that one."
by Professional B.A.M.F. October 12, 2008
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1. When your friends tell you they're going to do something with you and then change the plans so that end up being discluded

2. When something happens and you get the short end of the stick
Damnit, Janet and Parker totally dicked me over, they said we were going to go to the grand opening of the restaurant together and they told me it was on a different day and went with out me...

DUDE i just went to the mall and tried to buy a 5 dollar ft long sub and they charged me 8.50! I totally got dicked over
by Hannah H May 9, 2008
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Verb; when your "posse", "friends", "niggas", etc. play a joke or make you miserable.
Fuck! Susan and Frank went to the basketball game without me...I've been dicked over. Oh well i can always play with Susans unwashed undies with fresh coochie stains!
by pyan August 3, 2003
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A term used to describe the desperation for dick.
Friend #1 I have no food, do I go shopping or go on a date?
Friend #2 Dicks over rice
by uhhuhmonkay February 20, 2019
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When all a girl cares about is dick. She will even backstab her 'friends' just to get it. Therefore these girls don't have female friends. Because they chose dicks over chicks.
"Britney says she doesn't have girlfriends because they are too much drama, and that shes a guys girl. But in reality, its because shes a home wrecking whore that chooses dicks over chicks."
by mmddyy May 26, 2014
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