A prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles or identities differing from his own.

A member of a sectarian and racist hate organisation known as the Orange Order, akin to the Klu Klux Klan.

A cunt.
An Orange Man was recently seen eating pies, being fat and acting the cunt. So nothing new then.
by DanDuff July 20, 2006
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Orange man was the previous salty president of the great Nation of the united states and maybe even caused a massive mob. What can I say? Someone who looks like carrots is just another disaster waiting to happen.

Oh and just another Meme GenZ will make.
Person: "hey dude look at this meme."
by That_Chickenwitch1991 February 15, 2021
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Trump, and his personally selected boot-lickers, meet each day to extoll the wonderful, perfect and magnificent job they've done managing the COVID pandemic... while the number of infected and dying rise exponentially day after day.
Mommy, when will the Orange-Man Group be coming on? He's so funny when he insults those reporters...
Honey, that's not just any Orange-Man; that's our president.
by YAWA April 8, 2020
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A sad attemp at conservatives and republicans to mock critics of Donald trump
Smart Person: Well there have actually been several examples of Donald trump being rac-

Dumb Person: Lmao “orange man bad” fucking libtard get owned facts over feelings
by ChrisB47 July 13, 2020
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A phrase used by Trump supporters to dismiss any criticism of their dear leader and shut down any debate about his horrible presidency whatsoever.
Smart person: I don’t like Trump’s policies because they are bad for the country.
Trumpist: Orange man bad, amirite?
Smart person: Well, Trump horribly handled coronavirus and is sending the military in our streets so doesn’t that make him a crappy president?
Trumpist: No, you just think that orange man bad.
Smart person: Okay, I guess you’re not worth talking to.
by UrbanDefinitionMaker July 22, 2020
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A phrase used by a conservative or right-leaning person to mock unnecessary, extreme, or false criticism of Donald Trump.
Steve: Oh my god, Trump is so bad. He's so fat and ugly and I fucking hate him. Hope he dies
John (mockingly): Orange man bad!!! orange manf bad !!!1
by NotPieGuy January 14, 2021
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A phrase typically used by conservatives and right-wingers when the media or leftists criticize Donald trump for no reason.
Right-winger: if you watched the full clip you would know that he said 'and I'm not talking about the neo-nazis because they should be condemned totally'
Right-winger:Orange man bad!
by the celery December 1, 2020
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