Obami = plural of Obama; therefore, Obama followers.
Feeling betrayed by the President's hawkish move to increase troops levels in Afiganistan, the Obami are going ape shit.
by ben-chan January 3, 2010
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Something that Obama would do.
That's very obamy of you to protect them.
by Que-Si March 5, 2017
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A liberal act of kindness, not necessarily supported by any facts or reason.
Providing free college to everyone would be obamiable however impractical.
by UCANTCMESBG June 15, 2017
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A covert derogatory term blending the name Obama and the racial slur mammy together. A term used by racists that pretend it means to "pull an Obama".
Racist Person: "....Obamy..." (used in any context).
Reputable Person: "Listen, that's not acceptable. Not here. Not now. Not in our country!"
by TheGivenTruth October 23, 2020
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1. An Obama mindless automaton

2. One who follows their idiotic moronic messiah over the cliff into mind numbing mediocrity and socialist slavery
Look at that moronic Obamy Bot - Actually thinks Medvedev isnt Putins puppet!

Look another Obamy Bot - Still thinks global warming is a fact !
by f2drvr July 8, 2009
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fan of barack obama. currently a twitter cult.
obamie 1: come join us ❤️
fan: help
by imnotella April 11, 2021
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