The greatest food of all time.
Sometimes people will ask you for your oats but you will not give it to them.
Brother, may I have some oats, I am starving.

Sorry, but there are not enough rations for sharing
by öat January 18, 2017
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1. Sperm, with regard to being seeds. Used in phrases such as sow one's oats, which essentially alludes to procreation but at its most basic to having to sexual intercourse.

2. Sex. The informal phrase get ones oats meaning to have sex. E.g
1. "Drew Pal is off to the barn dance to sew his oats"

2. "You look a bit happy! Did you get your oats last night?"
by BroonBear May 17, 2010
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Slang term for money, similar to paper.
"Yo we hustle at the box factory to get that oat!"
by VG4life October 19, 2012
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Aeronautical abbreviation for "Outside Air Temperature." Almost exclusively given in degrees Celsius.
"Lawrence Tower information Juliet time 2000 Zulu. Wind 300 @ 8. Visibility >10. Sky Scattered @ 1-2000. OAT 9. Dew point 2. Altimeter 30.07. Landing and departing runway 32. Advise on initial contact you have Juliet."
by Cataphract_40 November 28, 2004
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Oat.: used to describe very strong cannabis (can sometimes be misheard as the noun: 'ant').
"Hey bob, I smoked some well good Oat the other night!"
by Fin_Beast May 20, 2004
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Oof after traumatic event disorder”
When you go through a traumatic event and upon hearing of this, your friend(s) simply reply with “oof
Person 1: I watched my friend get shot.
Person 2: Oof
Person 1: I have oated
by October 9, 2019
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Oats- feelin ya self, big headed, ego
"you must really be feelin your oats today"
by JaeAnna April 15, 2004
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