a name used to put on a sign in sheet so when someone calls it out, they say dixie normous like a name, but they are actually saying dicks enormous!
by Popo Wallo February 17, 2008
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Something so large that a standard English word cannot accurately communicate the size and scope, therefore the speaker must resort to the use of a combination of several words to describe the object. Used mostly to describe ideas and inanimate objects.
Tony Robbins head and ego is gi-normous.
by Azure February 10, 2005
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A thing that is larger than normal, being "huger" than the norm. Mostly used to describe large things for lack of a better word.
I can't swallow those medicine pills! Look at them they're huge-normous!
by soundless scream August 28, 2010
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Something that’s really tall. It’s like Enormous But tall-normous coz it’s tall
Wow that giraffe Is Very tall-normous
by BigBear126 August 30, 2019
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n. or adj. Pronunciation: {jon-nawr-muhs}

Much like the word enormous, Jon-normous refers to being larger than life either in size or other realms. Such as: being tall, large in stature or weight, having a large penis, high self-esteem, overly confident, borderline cocky. This word can only be used when referring to a person who has the name Jon or John, or any variation thereof. When named John, it's more appropriate to spell as John-normous.

Person can also be referred to as Big Jon or Big John.
Wow, that guy from last night was definitely Jon-normous! I couldn't believe how good he was!

That guy singing is Jon-normous! He's almost hitting the ceiling!

I'm kind of turned on by how Jon-normous he is. He is so sure of himself.
by Dominoose September 25, 2010
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Something that is gigantically enormous.
That hamburger was gi normous!
by Ptowndizzle March 11, 2009
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