a variation of the word nice, and so can be used in various situations in life to state how one is feeling. it is commonly used in the areas of newcastle especially whitley bay. some may see it as a simple error in typing but others see it as a passionate word which is the hardcore reason for their existence.
or should i say
by hottyhottyhotkins June 14, 2008
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A word that Mum herself has substituted for the normie word Nice.
Noce one there!
by lolster273669 December 11, 2017
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Noce: Used as a replacement for noice also regarded as a simple misspelling and it is regularly stated that onlyretards say noce.
Also means wallnut in itallian which is the worst type of nut (apart from any nut eaten out of a piece of shit )-see ; ‘panamanian petting zoo
Me “fuck off
Pablo “noce”
by GodIsDeadAllHailCraig November 1, 2017
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