no butter

an expression you say when somebody says they're going to do something. if they don't do it, you get to hit them
A:I'm going to make a sandwich!
A:*Doesn't make sandwich*
B:*Hits A*
by MistahShizzle April 28, 2010
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no butter

1. A mixture of "I dare you" and "You're full of shit" native to the Garlic City
2. A challenge issued wherein the subject must complete a task they threw out sarcastically. If they do not finish the task, they risk being punched.
3. Something your asshole friend says when they know you're joking, want to see you fail miserably and want to hit you for it.
A: Yeah, right, I'll totally ask that chick out.

B: No butter, dude. You have to do it.
by This one guy you met one time November 28, 2016
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It's the opposite of a roast. While people in a roasting event would gather up to make fun of a single person, a buttering event has people gather up to adore, praise, and talk good about that person. Sometimes, it's extended to include everyone, so that each person has a chance to receive a variety of compliments. You can't talk bad about someone at a buttering event. The worst you can get to talking bad about someone is constructive criticism, guidence, and maybe a compliment sandwhich.
Coworker 1: Hey. Have you heard that the Coolerman and The Boss were feeling sad lately

Coworker 2: Yeah. They were feeling underappreciated, lonely, and unconfident.

Coworker 3: I have an idea! Let's have a buttering.

Coworker 1 and Coworker 2: That's a great idea!

Coworker 1: That way, they would feel more appreciated.

Coworker 2: A buttering event sounds perfect!

* later that day.

All: Surprise!!!

Coolerman and The Boss: This is so unexpected!

Coworker 7: Coolman is so awesome, he helped me with some paperwork

Coworker 5: The Boss is so cool, he gave me a day off when I was feeling sick.

Coworker 8: Coolman is so fantastic, he helped organize my daughter's birthday party.

Coworker 9: The Boss and Coolman are so cool, they're indestructable!
by HawiianPunch1 February 16, 2014
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that's butter

Easy and smooth. When you know something is going to go exactly the way you want and plan.
"Oh word, we got a 2hr delay for school today, hell yea that's butter"
by MrGills November 26, 2013
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Butter It

The term "Butter It" can be used to replace any verb.

It is Traditionally used by people from the hick style background.
"John and Suzy-Q are hanging out later, what do you think they're going to be doing?"

"John said he wanted to Butter It."


"We were in class, and instead of listening Matt and I just Buttered it the whole time."
by BUTTERITINTHE603 April 29, 2010
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This means 'ugly' when used to describe a person. I think it comes from 'butterface', as in 'nice body, but her face...'
"She is well butters"
by AJ November 5, 2004
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A sweet little boy from South Park. Hes so stupid and cute and dont ya just wanna hug him?
"Well thats ok. Id rather be a crying pussy than a faggy goth."
by SpookyOne August 23, 2004
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