When one's thumb and index finger grasps the victim's nipples resulting in a whale of pain. If a victim experiences nipple twisters often enough in his/her run of existence, he/she may have nipple cancer.

Nipple twisters are mainly given to males, often by males. But there is an occasional pervert who decides to bestow a nipple twister to the head cheerleader of the school, who happens to have her boyfriend behind her. Ouch...
Justin: When I was your age, I was given nipple twisters daily, today, I am dying from breast cancer... I'm 28.

Tanner: Shitty...
by QcQc June 4, 2009
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A C3PO nipple twister is when your blowing a robot and it orgasms so hard that it's chest starts twisting rapidly until it creates a black hole. You then proceed to get sucked into the black hole and live an eternity listening to Allstar with a robot dick in your mouth
Robot: fuck I think I'm about to have a C3PO nipple twister RUN
by Fartfard Connecticut November 15, 2018
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An absolutely devious play in a game of chess which causes the opposing player to let out an unknown screech of anguish and pure rage that could be mistaken as a call to an eldritch being.
Greg: "I can't believe I got away with that play on Michael in this game of chess."
Michael: " *An unknown screech of anguish and pure rage that could be mistaken as a call to an eldritch being*"
Greg: "Wow, I guess I really laid down that Bulgarian Nipple Twister."
by Old Spice Muncher June 7, 2023
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A peruvian nipple twister is when your fucking a chick doggy you grab her nipples from over her shoulders and pull them over her head while you twist
So i was fucking this freaky chick and she asked me to give her a peruvian nipple twister
by Pptouch September 24, 2017
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To twist a trump supporters nipple so hard he screams in orgasm and squirts his genital fluid
I met this hot ass trump supporter and has to give her the Nipple Trump Twister
by not-a-trump-supporter February 19, 2022
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