Following the creation of a prolapse in a woman’s rectum. The male counterpart then inserts a yellow Xanax tablet (also known as a school bus) then slaps and pushes the prolapsed anus back inside of the woman’s rectal cavity.
Ex: Wow, I was unsure at first when Justin said the Nicaraguan stop sign required a prolapse, but the school bus helped with the recovery.
by President Daniel Ortega September 3, 2021
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A bunch of bananas containing a very large and very angry spider.
Pedro just opened up a Nicaraguan happy meal and got his finger taken off by the toy surprise!
by Hydra Shaftoe February 26, 2010
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A man stands and urinates. In a variant of a golden shower, a dwarf stand in between his legs and watches. During urination, the man farts right on the dwarf's head - shocking and surprising the watcher.
I was at Panera, eating lunch with my family. I went to the bathroom and my pesky 3 year-old son tagged along, stood in between my legs, and watched me pee into the urinal. Seizing the opportunity, I completed a Nicaraguan Dwarf Surprise by farting on his head. We both laughed.
by cracky jacky August 11, 2009
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A woman stands over her subject, as part of a golden shower. The subject is expecting to be peed on. When the woman starts to urinate, her male partner approaches from behind and sticks his penis in her urinary steam from behind. The woman's urine then appears to be coming from a tranny penis. The male partner then starts urinating, doubling the urine stream.
Ron paid $100 for a golden shower from Hazel. He got more than he bargained for when Hazel's husband, Joey, joined her in giving Ron a Nicaraguan Tranny Surprise.
by cracky jacky from Forest August 3, 2009
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youre having sex with a girl from behind and have her shit on you while youre still inside her, as you continue to to have sex her with the shit will spread out in a fanned palm tree shape. then pull out. it will look like a nicaraguan palm tree.
dude last night this girl gave me a nicaraguan palm tree! it was great!
by J.E.B. March 22, 2010
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When explosive diarrhea combines with low hanging testicles and the spread of the initial diarrhea blast is wide enough that you actually poop on your own testicles
Dude, it was so hot yesterday that after I ate that bad mexican food, I sat on the toilet and had a Nicaraguan shotgun. It took me like ten minutes to clean off my balls...
by yosefstalin September 6, 2013
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