by Jimmy poo August 2, 2015
Something that is totally at home (a bird's nest). Something that is very well thought out and fits perfectly; reference to Adobe Flash (and OOPs programming in general) movieclips where one top level object contains several others, these objects are said to be nested.
by Garry Samett November 4, 2007
Let's get outta the storm and get in the nest. It's been a hard day at work I can't wait for the nest. I gotta go girl my man wants me at the nest.
by swheatley February 8, 2009
Nesting is a ritual performed by pregnant women in ridding the house, the "nest", from anything potentially harmful to the soon to be born child.
This can also be seen as a phase before menstruation where the woman enjoys cuddling and snuggling more than usual.
This can also be seen as a phase before menstruation where the woman enjoys cuddling and snuggling more than usual.
by Vela October 14, 2004
A makeshift bed made entirely of pillows where two people nuzzle and express emotions for one another.
Guy: How was your date last night
Charlie: It was great. Disco came over and we made a nest and watched movies all night long.
Charlie: It was great. Disco came over and we made a nest and watched movies all night long.
by Contractattorney April 8, 2008
When you don't have a pad or tampon on you when you get your period so you just create a makeshift pad out of layered toilet paper.
Friend 1: Aw girl that would suck if you got your period and you were unprepared.
Friend 2: Nah, you would just make a nest
Friend 2: Nah, you would just make a nest
by dontuseyourrealnamegod May 31, 2017
In the culture and lifestyle of apartment life, nesting is the act of settling yourself into a cozy convenient corner of your bedroom and surrounding yourself with all the comforts of your many vices.
i.e. a bed pushed against a wall with a window for smoking, internet access, porn, toilet paper, beer fridge, TV/DVD, game console, beer fridge, hash pipe, etc.
i.e. a bed pushed against a wall with a window for smoking, internet access, porn, toilet paper, beer fridge, TV/DVD, game console, beer fridge, hash pipe, etc.
"nice weekend...good weekend...just spent the time nesting in my room. I had to peel myself from the sheets Monday morning"
by Jarvis Mayes December 14, 2009