Narm is short for Pecknarm.

Pecknarm is slang for Peckham in South London.

The nickname for Peckham is Vietnarm, due to its high crime rate and gang violence.

Pecknarm is made by mixing 'Peckham' and 'Vietnarm' together:

PECKham + vietNARM = PECKNARM .... or 'NARM for short.

Other places ending in 'ham (eg: Tottenham) are *not* Narm. Only Peckham is.
A: Where you from?

B: I'm from Narm...

A: Where's that?

A: Peckham.. South London
by Don Trapstar May 25, 2009
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An expression said when reallly angry or annoyed. It is sometimes mumbled under ones breath, but most likey screamed out loud. It is never spelled with a G in front of it, like this: gnarms.
"i got blueballed last night NARMS!"

"what a narmer that bitch is!"
by MadMiller January 18, 2010
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A nickname for the council estate behemoth that is the town of Dagenham. Vietnam and Dagenham share the same word ending, but the sounding is different.

Short for 'Vietnarm', a literal spelling of the british pronounciation of that silly old war in the 60s and 70s.

Used because parts of Dagenham represent war torn Hanoi.
"You weren't there man, Vietnam destroyed the soul of many a young man"

"I know what you mean pal, mate Dave who lives in the narm got his benefit stopped so now he's gotta cut down on his ciggies. He's never been the same since."
by Dagenhamite February 14, 2012
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1. A combination of your nose and your arm
2. An attack used by hitting someone with your combination nose/arm
Josh: Help!! I've been NARMED!
Abbie: Hey, check out my NARM!
by Idina926 May 27, 2009
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A misnomer claimed by someone trying to spell Narmus
This Narmes here misspelled "Narmus."
*hotshot* *NARMES!*
by ITGuy12 July 2, 2021
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When something has become so harmful it even harmed the h
You may have been exposed to narmful centrist content recently.
by Big daddy MJ 42069 July 2, 2021
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It is expressed when you're bored or as a way to say no. It's also short for Not Alarmed Really Mundane.
by Shiggy's Bussy September 7, 2022
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