
adjective-- British term -- easily annoyed; overly sensitive; quick to fly off the handle nark
Stop being so narky and just enjoy the show!
by Armitage112 June 28, 2005
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Basically, a bad decision. Doing something stupid and/or sus.
Jon: Oh Ms. Jolene, you forgot to hand us the assigned homework.

Teacher: *Passes out homework*
Mariah: Jon that was so narky wtf?
by big.goku March 8, 2019
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2 or more people with the name Narkaus.
Thats just to many Narkauses in one room.

-don't you mean Narki?
by truth-tella May 25, 2008
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A annoyingly suspicious individual. A person that can talk for 30 mins straight between breaths. They should be avoided at all costs. If ever came across, don’t hesitate to square up.
Guy 1: Yo Olivia is pretty narky
Guy 2: Yeah, she’s sus af.
by billybob_2573 April 10, 2018
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Norwegian slang for drug abuser.
Search "Preben" for more details.
My city center is filled with narkises
by Eljohannos January 26, 2018
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He’s so into himself! What a Narkie.”
by BlancaBell October 21, 2021
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