1. A person who talks too much and tells everybody's business. Secret leaker

2. A person who talks trash

3. An unexpected guest for dinner.
1. "I don't know how everyone knows I only told one person."
"yeah but that one person you told was a mouth"

2. Mouth got his a$$ kicked at the club last night.

3. "I only made enough for US, I didn't know we were going to have a mouth"
by Trinide April 18, 2007
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Sally: I'm on my period
Billy: It's ok, I'll use you're other vagina*

The other vagina is her mouth*
by sexygirl101hotblonde4 August 21, 2011
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Nickname for a character in the greatest movie of all time'' The Goonies" who quotes the famous line "Yeah?! Well this one! This one right here! This was my wish! My dream! And it didn't come true! So I'm takin' it back! I'm takin' 'em all back! *plunges into the water*
*Mouth is fricking awesome! Although Chunk and Data are better!
Hey You Guuuuyyys!!
by GCKA November 3, 2003
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to talk tough or to swear profusely.
kyle likes hairy ballsacks WITH mouth
by lookit. December 5, 2009
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I think you have something in your teeth, open your mouth a bit... ah, Your cock holster is full of bull shit, I got a tool that can fix that.
by eric the great the second January 2, 2012
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