14 definitions by General_Truffles

(1) Rural areas occupied by mimes.
(2) The action of miming roman numerals.
(3) Super Mimes!
(1) "Oh, look. We're entering a Mimeural."
(2) John enjoyed mimeurals.
(3) "Curses! It's the mimeurals!"
by General_Truffles March 10, 2003
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A funny sounding noun that means ugly.
"Isn't Janvier an ugle?"
by General_Truffles March 10, 2003
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(1) Slang; cool.
(2) A phrase losely meaning "indeed".
(1)Indubitably! That's good.
(2) Indubitably so, old chum! Pip pip tallyho!
by General_Truffles March 10, 2003
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