1 definition by Scenic Dark

Morrowind, the addictive, real world destroying, imagination enhancing game mostly played by men. (Age ranging from 13-30) It is full of amazing items, creatures, people and plants to capture and completely destroy the human mind. (Orcs are too stupid to be affected.)

Playing Morrowind for more then five hours is dangerous and could become addictive, if such happens seek help immediately, if you are to busy leveling up your long blade and speech craft skills by taunting the guards then you are lost to the world and the world is lost to you.
How to tell a Morrowind player from normal people:

Scenario: You are shopping at your local super market and you happen by strange looking young man with nothing but short pants and a shirt who is crouching slightly by the chips section of the super market you stare at him for a moment or two before he stands up looking confused and looks around at you before murmuring to himself. "I wondered why the sneak icon wouldn't come up..."
by Scenic Dark June 6, 2006
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