When a swedish person is bored usually in class, so instead of typing qwertyuiopåasdfghjklöäzxcvnm they type it backwards because of boredom.
Hey man look at this! mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq I searched for it!
by Coydn October 31, 2020
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When a Swedish person thinks they are a genius and type qwertyuiopåasdfghjklöäzxcvbnm backwards
Hey im a genius look! ''mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq''
by WouldyouF May 20, 2019
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this is a classic Swedish child's search history when he thinks he's funny.
-Hey Kalle, look what I´ve done, mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq, im so funny! haha!
-No Niklas... your not funny...
by pyrofoben January 17, 2022
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A very, very bored human-being in class often search for this word. It is actually really satefying to do.
Im so bored, let's search for "mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq"
by reallyhandsomegaj May 10, 2021
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When you're a swedish person who's to bored to write qwertyuiopåasdfghjklöäzxcvbnm so you write mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq insted. This is the most boring you can possily be, and if you're not swedish even more so, as you probably looked for the swedish letters åäö.
I am sooooo bored i want to kill my self, but instead i search for mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq.
by Tegelsten January 16, 2020
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When a swedish person decides to fuck qwertyuiopåasdlöäzxcvbnm and turn it around like mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq
hej skit i qwtyuiopasdfghjklöäzxcvbnm titta här : mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq
by TSAAALTYY February 6, 2019
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swedish man bored. börk börk. types backward mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq
i am the bored, i do the backward mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq. I cool börk
by a swdish peson maybe November 5, 2019
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