3 definitions by reallyhandsomegaj

A word you write on your school computer when the class is really f"#kin boring
Ohh i am soooo bored, let's type "1234567890qwertyuiopåasdfghjklöäzxcvbnm". It will make my life much more fun!!
by reallyhandsomegaj May 10, 2021
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i am bored as shit, f#*kin hell. i wanna waste time.
fuck me life. let's type "1qaz2wsx3edc 4rfcv 5tgb 6yhn"
by reallyhandsomegaj May 10, 2021
Get the 1qaz2wsx3edc 4rfcv 5tgb 6yhn mug.
A very, very bored human-being in class often search for this word. It is actually really satefying to do.
Im so bored, let's search for "mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq"
by reallyhandsomegaj May 10, 2021
Get the mnbvcxzäölkjhgfdsaåpoiuytrewq mug.