by Light Joker January 13, 2006
by Kamy123 April 10, 2017
Adj. A word used to describe an individual who does something dumb, or so stupid that they should be considered (or are) mentally ill or retarded. Can also describe someone who is just dumb in general or makes bad decisions all the time. Or, it can be used as a noun to describe someone who is ACTUALLY mentally ill. However, this can be considered offensive or derogatory so use at your own risk. Lastly, it can be used as an adjective to simply describe something that's crazy or mind-boggling.
Synonyms: dopey, dumb, stupid, retarded, having a rush of sh*t to the brain, insane, weird, mind-boggling, wack
Antonyms: smart, wise, mentally sound
Synonyms: dopey, dumb, stupid, retarded, having a rush of sh*t to the brain, insane, weird, mind-boggling, wack
Antonyms: smart, wise, mentally sound
2. "Billy just ate his own poop thinking it would be nutritious, he's such a mental"
3. "Johnny just had an autistic breakdown in the middle of class today and took a deuce in the middle of the classroom, he's such a mental"
2. "Billy just ate his own poop thinking it would be nutritious, he's such a mental"
3. "Johnny just had an autistic breakdown in the middle of class today and took a deuce in the middle of the classroom, he's such a mental"
by T.137 September 14, 2020
More mental than it was before
Damian said " egg and brick race on Spoon Lane would be well mentaller than an egg and spoon race on brick lane"
by Mikey 456 January 15, 2009
by Anyonekindofman October 18, 2018
The act of thinking something through in your mind, usually a phrase or sentence, before actually saying it. This is usually advised by someone when a person starts spurting out random thoughts that make absolutely no sense, and add no value to the current conversation.
Guy 1: Sometimes for to being smarter, is for to being deader.
Guy 2: Dude, first you've got to mentalate it, then put it out.
Guy 2: Dude, first you've got to mentalate it, then put it out.
by C. Scully July 29, 2008
Fake mind-reading that celebrities such as Derren Brown practice on TV to look impressive, otherworldly, or mysterious, when it's all just psychology and not really that good.
by TheHeianAlien August 22, 2019