V.Hanging out on a rock wall midway through a rappel. Usually with some ice tea and a bag of chips.
Parker and Daniel try their best to meander once a year.
by Oliver Quidgeums November 28, 2005
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When a women's vagina merges with her anus, making one huge slit on her crouch.
The old women had anal sex so many times that she was given a meandering minge.
by TheBigEazyNess March 19, 2010
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an unforgiving aura that follows a person of no significance whatsover.
I saw waY2Krowed wallowing in his meandering miasma in front of a 7-11 yesterday while I was going to FYE to pick up the Black Crowes' latest DVD.
by the better Ted January 23, 2010
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1) Penile penetration so deep that it forces a curvature of the penis toward respective internal organs (male or female).
2) Extremely deep penile penetration.
3) A site along the Colorado River at Horseshoe Bend, in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, where the river curves so extremely (270 degrees!), that over time it has carved out an entrenched horseshoe shape.
1) "Entrenched meanders hurt my cervix," said Stacy.
2) "I was thrusting so hard, I think I achived an entrenched meander!" exclaimed Ziv.
3) Scientists describe Horseshoe Bend as an entrenched meander of the Colorado River.
by Tuesday Hula February 26, 2016
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A predicament that occurs when you are in separate AIM conversations with two or more people and try to keep all of them going at once. Many times, your conversation interest may begin to veer toward one person, so the other people are left waiting for your response to a conversation you've lost interest in or forgotten about.
Person123: Um... you still there?

(You're AIM-Meandering.)

You456: Yeah, sorry dude, just writing a paper and giving the dog a bath, you know.
by IronAndCopper September 7, 2010
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A leader who distracts, deflects, denies and obfuscates the truth.
EXAMPLE: Donald J. Trump is America’s Meander-in-Chief.
by Nonsum Barnett July 18, 2020
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to wander around without knowing where you are
shit my son meandered off again. oh well
by theaidsman1776 August 2, 2023
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