an attack in jojo: eyes of heaven
other world diego is the user of the attack
use L2 to activate(when bar is filled)s
its the abilty of the stand "the world"q
the attack stops time for 5 seconds u can do any attack and everything u want in these 5 seconds
ME TIME! My ability is to stop time for 5 seconds
by ewle; February 4, 2020
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You're getting a tattoo on your hand? Is that your me-time hand?
by Bill.yeg January 2, 2019
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An asian wanting to have sec with beautiful man or women.
i want you to sexy me time
by YourZaddy April 12, 2019
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Used to express "me time," but played off of the phrase "one on one time."
Girl 1: Hey, what are you up to tonight?

Girl 2: It's been such a busy week, I really need some one on me time.
by jezzabezz July 21, 2010
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