The larger more spacious stall in any given restroom.

Typically the handicapped accessible stall, the suite offers accommodations including only one adjacent neighbor, extended leg room and a longer line of sight. All of which accumulating to bring the user the most pleasurable and comfortable restroom experience without sacrificing privacy.
Sky: That didn't take long, I've only been waiting 15 minutes for you to get out of the bathroom.

Dave: What can I say, the luxury suite treats you well.
by DJ Sky Cow May 23, 2007
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When you jerk-off inside of a condom.
Stacy couldn’t come over last night so I treated myself to a luxury jerk instead.
by Luxurious jerker August 24, 2020
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The word is derived from Pure Luxury. This is slang for the highest form of opulence and material wealth.
by TPBam September 15, 2020
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Used to describe wasteful spending but it doesn’t matter cause you deserve it.
Molly says to her friend “the 7 dollar Starbucks is mad LUXURIOUS
Ashley replies “period!”
by Ltrain1212 April 20, 2022
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When you are driving, all the cars around you are luxurious cars like BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi, but your car is the only non-luxurious car.
Person1: Cars in front of me, behind me, and on each sides are all luxurious cars! and mine is freaking Ford.

Person2: Man, you are sandwiched by luxury.
by LeonardoLeonardo July 27, 2010
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The wiping of ones arse with one or several baby wipes after defecation. The soft baby wipes are gentle on the sfinkter and have the added bonus of a washing effect, making the user feel fresher than with regular paper. The sensation of luxury feels even more prevalent when the user has diarrhea with a very sore sfinkter or feces that is particular sticky making cleaning with regular paper particularly time consuming. If the user cannot access baby wipes one can improvise by spitting on regular paper. Face wipes used to remove make up will also do nicely.
The other day when I visited Tom and Claire they had prepared curry vindaloo for supper. The stuff went right through me though and within minutes on the toilet gave me a burning ring of fire. The pain was so bad it made my eyes water. Thank fuck they had baby wipes laying on the shelf so at least I could have a luxury wipe.
by Norsemann May 23, 2011
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The feeling a wealthy person unaffected by the recession has for still being able to buy whatever the hell they want while most of the world is teetering on the brink of utter poverty.
"I felt luxury shame for lusting to purchase a $100,000+ Hermes handbag but simply couldn't bear the burden of what my less fortunate friends would think of me."
by Jezebel's Baby December 1, 2008
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