The uncharted territory of the bandroom that is known for their wild and erratic behavior. But watch out they can get away with anything with the director, and it is a myth they secretly run the band.
Famous Celebrities in low brass: Neil Armstrong, Baritone
Tony Stewart, NASCAR driver Trombone
Bill Engvall, comedian Trombone
by Lacie Hall April 21, 2011
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The dirtiest minded section in marching band. Low brass usually consists of tenor sax, trombone, bass clarinets, tuba and possibly french horn. Low brass is the closest family in all of band. We stick together and occasionally have orgies in the instrument storage room--which has the unique aroma of balls, dead virgins, and crushed dreams.
People in low brass usually love giving each other rusty trumpets and rusty trombones.
by RustyTrombone69 April 13, 2013
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1.The best section ever in Marching Band and Concert Band
(espesially when you are the only girl with a bunch of hot guys)

2.So good Low Brass needs to be capitalized.
1.The Low Brass section is awesome!!

2.Low Brass
by most_awesome November 5, 2006
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The Section of the band that everyone wishes they were in. The people in it are the coolest band members. The rest suck.
The Low Brass/Woodwinds are like Sex

1.Tuba Players

2.Baritone Sax Players

3.Trombone Players
by DTHSbum11 June 24, 2009
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Run. They can be either your best friend or you will be their next sacrifice to the tuba god. They are also the most together as a section with camping, movies and other fun. Feed daily
The low brass is having a sectional, wait, wheres bob?
He fell into the low brass section, who sacrificed trumpets and woodwinds!
by Nunyo_buissness February 4, 2020
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