The best school ever.

Located in Liverpool, West Merseyside, Liverpool High is a high school (no shit Sherlock), and public one. Some of it's optional classes include: Lyrical Music, Drama, Unconventional Arts, Sports Certificate 1 & 2, and many more. This school produces some of the most successful youth in the country, ranging from platinum record holding Pop Artists, to award winning Child Psychiatrists.

It also has an amazing football team, Liverpool High United, which the co-captains of the 2010 league have left on a legacy. The school is reknowned for its academics, and the teachers are of the top quality.

This is a fabulous school to consider when sending your child off.
by Effervescence July 8, 2013
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A cuppa tea and a ciggy.
No matter how many bevvies she had consumed the night before, Cilla always made sure she got out of bed to prepare her children a full Liverpool breakfast.
by w00fdawg September 30, 2005
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A secondary school full of rats and for rats. THANK U
North liverpool academy is a poopy school
by YouuuurMum December 12, 2019
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A school full of horrible, dude children with no manners or respect for anyone
Girl 1:That girl over there goes to North Liverpool academy!
Girl2:Really? But how, she's such a nice person
Girl 1:She's one of the few nice people there
Girl 2:Such a pity not many students are like her
by Humptydumptydied January 10, 2020
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Liverpool is probably the most shitty town in all of Nova Scotia. The teenagers are extremely intimidating and like to try to kill eachother a lot, they also like to hang out on the graveyard steps in the middle of town, or on the cliffs on side of the 103. We like to make fun of those living in TOB, (Bridgewater) for being so immature. About 72% of Liverpool are hardcore drug addicts. There are certain people you should be deathly afraid of. The highlight of the year for anyone living in Liverpool is Privateer Days, which is when the fair arrives and it's all basically one big excuse to get extremely fucked up. Most people in Liverpool are completely fearless and like to drink underaged.
Honourable mentions:
S.K , B.W , E.W , T.D , B.R , J.F , E.R , K.R , J.M , L.R , P.D
Liverpool, Nova Scotia :
Person #1- "Man, let's get completely fucked up tonight."
Person #2- "Okay, but we'll have to get Schuylar to buy us booze.."
by ImInLpBitch June 30, 2011
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A bunch of low life scums who have nothing better to do then act like fake hicks and start beef with someone for no reason. They also like to square up with 3 other people bc they don’t know how to have a fair one. Kids from Liverpool sit in the bathroom having circle jerks while talking about each other’s mothers
Brian- Want to go huntin and fishin? I go to Liverpool high school and own a 4wheeler I must be a hick, yee yee!!

Adam- hell yea man I own a 4wheeler too and live right next to the school so let’s go get cowboy boots and hats, maybe we can pack a lip while we’re at it!
by Fultonisbetter December 24, 2019
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