A man walks threw the suburbans looking for bald kids and slapping their heads. One kid was slapped while playing Minecraft and it was captured on video "I like ya cut g (Original)".
by FollowMeOnTwitter@Nextarity September 15, 2020
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comedy line, paired with a hard slap into a bald guy's head after being said
Guy 1: oh you playin' minecraft! I like ya cut, G
by ofrfr October 12, 2020
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A term that's used to describe a tradition that male best friends do when the other friend (the victim) gets a fresh haircut. The victim gets smacked in the back of the head, unexpectedly, while the friend that is receiving the smack has to utter the phrase "I like ya cut G!"
Friend 1: "Hey, did you see that Ryan's got a new cut?"
Friend 2: "Really?!?! We gotta finesse him."
Friend 1: "You know it!!"
*Friend 1 and Friend 2 goes up to Ryan*
Friend 2: "I like ya cut G!"
*Friend 2 snacks Ryan's soul out of his body*
by Derpy_Goku December 7, 2020
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This means that someones likes your brand new fresh cut and smacks your head :D

For example:
Alex: Damn look at my new fresh cut!
Jason: I like ya cut g *smack*
by idk_what_ill_use_as_username_ September 12, 2020
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when u slap someone in the head when they got a fresh cut and they punch you because they thought it wasnt a joke but it was then youre not friends that you cut g'd anymore cus they got pissed that you slapped them in the head
jake: yo i got a fresh cut.

mike: nice

also mike: i like ya cut g

jake fuck you bitch

were not friends no more
by sker3838 March 10, 2022
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