Apparently the "Crip" side, well according to Snoop Dogg.
Yeah The left side is uhh the Crip side.
by AC November 11, 2004
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on the left side of the US
cali and the rest of the west coast, where the crips r i guess
left side is the best side
by soonj April 6, 2008
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according to snoop the kript side or the west side
snoop dogg only wears a blue flag on the kript side
by ab* May 1, 2005
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The side of the Allen snare line that is better in every way than the ridiculous and unoriginal 'Right Side'. As of October 4th, it is legally a separate entity.
"Hey check out that Left Side, they make the Right Side look bad."
"Why does the Right Side always copy everything the Left Side does?"
by Brad Poe October 4, 2007
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When a dude or a dudeet are being soft. You can tell them to go to the left side of the fridge because that is where the can of toughen up is.
Rush: "My back hurts"
Ferg: "Fuck your soft, Go to the left side of the fridge."
by Skux161101 June 26, 2019
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A crip term of swearing on ur heart made by FENDIIACE A 62NHECBC
ACE-I just caught the opps lacking on they blocc
LOC-worda who

ACE-worda my whole left side
by FENDII ACE November 18, 2021
when yo mamas giving me da gawk gawk bro on gawd she makes it juicy oh mah lawd im prayin for deez nuts to be full of wet slimy sticky sticky milky

I'm feeling so good right now, you could suck my big black balls swinging left and right side to side up and down swaying like yo mamas jaws when she gives me da gawk gawk 9000
by Hunky Requis with larger testi September 10, 2021
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