LBS, or otherwise known as Little Bitch Syndrome, is a common disease that affects mainly self entitled people who can’t or choose not to provide for themselves and expect others to cater to them. It can also affect individuals who have problems performing normal duties and/or exaggerate small illnesses or try to make others feel sorry for them. In rare cases it can lead to complete meltdowns or temper tantrums, more commonly found in adults. There is no known cure but can sometimes be made less significant by a hard slap or wake up call.
Mark is suffering from LBS, he claims to have multiple crippling diseases but is actually just too lazy to get off his ass, and chooses to mooch off his cancer ridden mother.
by ForFuck’sSake August 26, 2022
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The most white guy you know. Makes weird faces to you without noticing it. Is a king. Picks his nose sometimes. Everyone thinks he's an idol. Most likely will run around in the hallways like a sped. Probably plays lacrosse and wears vineyard vines.
by bigpp12 April 29, 2020
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Lbs is the when u out the night before with the boys getting fucking crossed then u get the nice soggy poops in the morning. Jp made this one boys. WE THE REAL BOYS
I hate when lbs makes my ass feel like hell
by Gayslave123 September 26, 2019
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"like back," used on Instagram, meaning the exchanging of likes between two people and there posts.
@kylie- lb for lb?
@brooke- done
by wowokcool January 29, 2016
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An endearing nickname that can be used for anyone with a name starting with the English letter “L”. The B stands for baby. Ex: Leslie Baby... This nickname is often recognized and misinterpreted by graduates of the early 2000s and mid and late 90s as the nickname “Little Bit” pronounced “LilBit”.
LB when are we gonna spend some time together?
by LegendaryShootingCoach October 13, 2020
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"Do you want to go for a jog?"
"No my LBS is kicking in"
by GrantyB93 July 16, 2010
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