1) A river in NSW, Australia.

2) Lachlan is also a boys name. He is amazing, relatively smart, has an amazing sense of humour and uses it to make others laugh, even if he gets in trouble because of it. He isn't afraid to speak his mind and be outspoken. May not be popular, but doesn't have to be. Is so nice and kind. Easy to love <3
Person 1: Who's that?
Person 2: Lachlan. He's not popular, but he's amazing despite that.
Person 1: OH the one who makes everyone laugh?
by someone who wrote this June 23, 2013
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That kid that never really does his work in school and spends of his time talking about anything and everything and making people laugh.
Person 1: Oh My God! xD He is SOOO Lachlan!
Person 2: Yeah I know, he nevers does his work but fuck he is funny lol
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Lachan :
The funniest kid u will ever meet. Everyone loves him, but at times he can be a little nuts ! Everyone at school knows him and u can find him dating the hottest girl in school.
Guy: Damn that dude is such a Lachlan, hes got all the chicks.

Girl: Maaaann, that guy is SUCH a lachlan . Hes perfect !
by thisnamebeternotbetakenalready December 19, 2009
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Lachlan is an awesome person with everything you want in a guy cute, funny and some what smart but will do any thing to help his girlfriend and will make you happy if you break up he will not hate the girl unless she cheats on lachlan. Lachlan is also a generous person that will help if somethings wrong he will also try to act cute around girls to see if they like him or not but is to shy to ask a girl out even tho he likes her A lot.
by Someone you might know or do u January 10, 2020
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Lachlan, a guy who can be the best boyfriend ever. His personality shines above the rest. He will always be there for you when you need him and is easy to love forever.
I Love Lachlan
Lachlan is the best boyfriend ever!
by Phobie June 17, 2011
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The HOTTEST, SEXIEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL guy on THE WORLD. He is the one that is always getting the women and he always has more than one all over him. he has the biggest penis and he is just awesome!
Girl 1: He is so hot!
Girl 2: OMG he is such a Lachlan!
by Lachlan MCCUTCHEON June 3, 2013
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The guy who yells at absolutely everything and despite his outlandish attitude he is quite reserved and respected. People like him when they meet him and girls admire how handsome he is. He is incredibly wise and also intelligent, everyone knows he will go far in life despite all the people he hates. (known to be emo)Also quotes many things that only some people understand. EXTREMELY NARCISSISTIC. Talks to himself when bored for amusement.
Lachlan: Fuck i hate trees, all but the larch...The larch...Number 1...The larch. YOU KNOW WHAT IM SAYIN'!? Quite an outstanding specimen of a Pinaceae, its history is rather fascinating aswell, i could delve into it more so although i would rather not.

Lachlan: Bitchin'

Sam: Shut the fuck up.
by Lokosep October 7, 2008
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