A person who likes fortnite. He usually likes eating turtles when he eats snails. He likes baseball and hits dingers.
Person1: O.M.G. that person Is SUCH! A kash!
Person2: Oh, YEAH HE IS
by J>...>....>...Bob>>>>. J April 30, 2019
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Money or funds used in order to buy chugs.

ORIGIN: Kashes are the form of currency in action-adventure game 'Little Big Adventure.'
Under-age person: "Hey can you get me my friday night special cider for me?"
Plodman: "Alroyte! If you give us some chug-kashes."
by I'm a Willy February 1, 2008
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When one uses 2 one dollar bills earned from the strip club to wipe their ass and then stick the dollars to each eyelid while helicoptering their giant horse cock and screaming i’m a fat neek
by pooppoop6996 June 10, 2020
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The time zone that kash2311 is in. It is used as a standard time zone that everyone compares their time to. (AKA EST)
Max: When is the event gonna end?
Zmaster: it's gonna end at 5 PM.
Max: Kash time?
Zmaster: It's gonna be 2 PM kash time.
by maxgo123 May 23, 2022
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oh my gosh did you see that guy he had major kash cock!!!
by toomcuhbootee March 26, 2010
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A fuck ass bitch whose sweaty as hell for those fortnite trick clips.
Kalib: "Look it's Michael Kash!"
Ethan: "uh oh, he's got a sniper..."
by Gingerdude130 August 2, 2020
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The best person in the world; you are literally good at everything you do.

Dear Kash Nasty, why are you so perfect
Do you know Kash Nasty, she’s the most perfect person alive
by The ONLY Kash Nasty January 26, 2021
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