To take advantage of, steal, talk down to or act in a dominating manner.
1. Dude that guy totally Kajee'd your wallet
2. I totally got Kajee'd in that meeting
3. Some Kajee'd the autistic kids money !
4. I will Kajee you !
by Ex-Cellsmartier February 24, 2009
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1: was born a small child. 2: grew up to be a stellar womyn. 3: realized that she should quit smoking @ the tender age of 40. 4: has amazing friends, although most of them suck at keeping plans. 5: got married on the top floor of THE EIFFEL TOWER in Paris, France. 6: is thoughtful. 7: is . . .
by kelly123456 February 5, 2010
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A great family friendly YouTube channel that is pronounced “fish cage.”
Did you see phis kajes new video? It was great!
by RMcC832 May 9, 2022
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To clean a meth pipe in the microwave with bleach and water
Hey you need to be kajing your pipe for me to use it because this thing is gross
by amy fresh April 5, 2021
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