The effects of having to quickly become accustomed to routine in another time zone and also of altitude changes. Causes fatigue.
Jet lag is an expected scapegoat for laziness, or a sports team fucking up
by Kung-fu Jesus July 6, 2004
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The experience one has when your head says you're in one time zone, your body says you're in another.
My mother's friend was once so jet lagged that she fell asleep standing up in a store.
by Bookish13 June 14, 2009
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A condition that is characterized by various effects as fatigue and irritability, occurs following long flight through several time zones, and probably results from alteration of biorhythms in the human body.
I had a long trip, I'm really tired and jet lag is horrible.
by Cesar January 2, 2005
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Jet Lag is sleeping disorder caused by traveling long distances,and time differences.There's also a great song called Jet Lag by Simple Plan.
I woke up in the middle of the night when i was in England.Im so Jet Lagged.
by GetYourBlackStarOn! September 16, 2011
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The moment when a guy thinks he's going to ejaculate, but doesn't. This May result in restarting your masturbation session or an accidental ejaculation.
Julio had bad jet lag, causing him to ejaculate minutes later than he thought.
by Booed December 11, 2013
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The idea or theory that because of the shift of time zones when traveling, morningwood may occur at an earlier or later time than usually. The name for this untimely morningwood goes by the name of Mr. Sunshine. This effect can be especially bad when traveling on a high school or college trip.
"Thanks to jet lag, I've had an encounter with Mr. Sunshine..."
by Lakob October 15, 2008
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The way you feel the day after you smoke weed, Much like a hangover is to drinking alcohol.
The day after you smoke pot you wake up and just have a weird feeling all day. Its hard to explain but if you've experienced it you will understand what I'm talking about, that's Jet Lag.
Dude me and my buddy smoked sooo much last night, but today I have some hardcore "Jet Lag" and feel weird.
by Bluemagoo123 November 5, 2011
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