it's all good

A polite way of saying it's okay, usually in a cool/caring manner.
Person A: I am really sorry, but I spilled some soda on your girlfriends gym bag.
Person B: Dude, it's all good. Don't sweat it because we will just use some stain remover to remove any stains on the bag or my girlfriend will just get over it. She needs a new gym bag anyway.
by SuburbanH October 6, 2021
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by B.I. April 7, 2003
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it's all good

Means nothing is bad.

Used in an optimistic sense to show the lightheartedness of something.
-Hey man, sorry about that. I had someone on the other line.
-Oh it's all good.
by sirrah March 28, 2005
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Everyone/ Everything is cool.

Whoever you are/ Wherever you're from, you're alright with me.
East visiting the West:

E: "I'm from the East-side of town."

W: "It's all good. You're welcome here."
by LA Creeper February 6, 2008
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I have nothing to say other than a meaningless platitude.

A phrase popularized by MC Hammer himself and used as the title of many songs since.
Dear stoner advice columnist, should I major in something practical, liberal arts, or film school?

It's all good dude.
by mandingoh December 10, 2004
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Statement: a lame response to adverse conditions which shows no concern to others.
Rock Star: Dude, it's thirty minutes 'till the show and there's still no sound!
Roadie: It's all good.
by bb2 April 29, 2006
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it's all good

what people who are a little too old say to sound cool
Hip, young assistant: "Don't we have to worry about the deadline?"
Aging, overweight boss: "It's all good"
by bald spot(er) July 31, 2008
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