when your parents come to your room and start talking to you while you're playing/speaking to others, making you quit your previous conversation temporarily
X: "so as i was walking....."
*X quickly mutes*
Y: "aye bro continue"
*30 sec silence, X unmutes*
X: "my bad g i just got irl ganked"
by zolpidemabuser June 12, 2022
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Dovalo is a 24 year old lady living in florida saying random shiz in a roblox baki discord
person "damn dovalo(irl) is a lady never knew"
by Dovalo July 25, 2022
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1. A mix between a fictionkin and an IRL

2. When you feel like a fictional character, but neither the label fictionkin nor IRL fits you
1: Oh yeah and 3 was-

2. Actually 3 is a fiction irl of insert character here

1: oh mb, anyways insert character here was...
by SirOwlyOwlington August 14, 2022
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my very swag bsf who has a lot of plants so pup is like, basically basil. plant makes me v happy as he is v nice!
have u heard about user basil_.irl! nyan is so cool!
by venus… August 29, 2021
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