If a person or their expression is inscrutable, it is very hard to know what they are really thinking or what they mean.
In some circumstences, it is important to keep a straight face and remain inscrutable.
by Poljak October 27, 2007
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An inscrutable girl is one who'll make out, but not put out.
Mona and I got to third base, but she proved to be totally inscrutable.
by scodder June 7, 2010
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The cunt that made Vince go through 5 long-ass areas and one drag-off of a bayou.

Fuck you Kosmo, you shrimp-dick.
Person 1: Oi who's that cunt 'ey?

Person 2: I think 'e calls 'imself "Kosmo the Inscrutable"

Person 1: What a fuckin' dropkick 'ey
by Phsyco Grunt May 29, 2024
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