1. An act that can be accomplished only by a swimmer and a girl. It consists of pull buoys, kick boards, the deep end of the pool, and some very strategic movement. A swimmer that accomplishes this would be known as a god among his team mates.
2. Slang term for pulling off something crazy.
2. Slang term for pulling off something crazy.
1. Jake took Mandy to the pool yesterday after school and they had sex in the deep end!
2. You did what? That's total sex in the deep end, man.
2. You did what? That's total sex in the deep end, man.
by That one cool person January 3, 2005
by Schlackster January 28, 2008
Shanaynay: “I’ll grab your dick whenever I want”
Ken: “woah. You are way off the deep end. I’ll give you my life boat.”
Ken: “woah. You are way off the deep end. I’ll give you my life boat.”
by Purdalicious January 27, 2020
You've gone fucking insane until the point where theres a slim chance of being saved. Your friends usually try and warn you when you have but you're oblivious because you've gone off the deep end.
You: I think I wanna get a tattoo of an infinity sign on my lower back. My girl said it'll look good on me
Me: Dude, you've gone off the deep end.
Me: Dude, you've gone off the deep end.
by Ikcatrac October 18, 2014
by Dr Bunnygirl September 8, 2020
To degenerate cognitively, to be in the process of having a mental breakdown, the process of going crazy
Jeff: I can't believe what my pops says sometimes. It's like he's incapable of higher thought!
Julian: Yeah, I'd say your pops is going off the deep end LOL!
Julian: Yeah, I'd say your pops is going off the deep end LOL!
by paynasty23 September 12, 2010
a lyric from "astronaut in the ocean", a 2019 song by that was released by masked wolf and gained popularity from tiktok when the song was re-released in 2021
"what you know about rolling down in the deep end"
by ninjakirbz June 22, 2021