
Imba is used mostly in online games or games that have patches or different versions. Imba means that something is imbalanced and should be "nerfed" or made worse. When something is imba it means that is is too good and it makes the game unfair.
Richard: I'm not surprised you killed me Steasl Assasin is so imba.

Tod: Yeah they should nerf him in the next version he's to good.
by Daniel Valderrama May 1, 2006
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An abbreviation for "imbalanced"

Imba can be applied to a subject in gaming (Weapon, army, race, role or job) which can be either too strong (Overpowered, or OP) or too weak (Underpowered, or UP).

Although the word IMBA can be applied to both OP and UP, it is mostly used to describe an in-game subject which is too strong.

A good example for imba is the job hunter in Ragnarok Online.
A fat, overweighted guy can defeat you within few clicks in Ragnarok Online with the imbaness of hunter.
by Your Neighbour December 17, 2006
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imba means imbalanced
This imba beastmaster sux
by Ome October 10, 2003
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An abbreviation for "imbalanced." Pronounced phonetically as if it were a full word.
"That Warcraft III strat is so imba!"
by Alex Wolf May 29, 2006
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A gaming lingo.
imba (short for imbalanced) is derived from Strategy games (e.g. Warcraft) or MMOs. It is usually used to describe when a player or a character gets way too powerful to defeat that it becomes unfair/impossible for the opponents to play against him. Which results in everybody (mostly the opponents) to give up. Almost invincible. It is mostly used as a praise rather than a complain.

When not used in context to a game, it means elite, awesome, the best or unbeatable.
with reference to a game:
"After getting some early-game kills, his character became imba. He pawned us all."

in general reference:
"The Joker in the Dark Knight is IMBA!! .. he definately deserves an Oscar."
by piXelFrenzy April 26, 2009
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IMBA means Imbalanced, mostly used in WarCraft3 by newbies who are not acquainted with armor and attack types.
nightelf palyer: "imba mortals pwning my huntz"
by fuYa` November 21, 2004
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This abbreviation/shortcut that originally means "imbalanced" is also used in the world's biggest trading card game Magic:The Gathering. It denotes too much power in a card.
"The Power Nine are all great examples of imba cards."

"Stop using Counterspells and Dark Rituals they're so imba."
by BadBoyBen August 18, 2007
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