Internal laugh out loud. The laugh out loud you do when you don't actually laugh out loud. In reality this accounts for 99.99999% of actual lols. Often misunderstood by Apple fanboys to be related to Apple simply because of the i prefix. This misunderstanding in itself causes an ilol.
That cat video made me ilol. (Meaning I watched the cat video and thought it was mildly amusing but I made no physical sound, although I may have smiled.)
by devScott May 26, 2013
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When Apple employees and trendy people laugh aloud at each other's trendy humor.

Stevie: ... and then I said its smooth and aqua-like.
Jawbs: iLOL

More often used when non-trendy folk laugh at design limitations in the Apple product range.
guest #313: ... DRMs and the iPhone's battery cannot be replaced, without returning it back to Apple HQ.

m$ drone: iLOL
by fuekewl July 5, 2007
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another thing Apple put "i" at the beginning of.
New from Apple: the iLOL!
by C.I.A. AGENT March 6, 2008
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another thing apple put an "i" infront of....
New from apple, the iLOL
by C.I.A. AGENT March 5, 2008
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