pretending to suck at a skill in order to bet others into what you "suck" at when really you do good at the skill and trick the person out of their money
oh man im not good at cricket

ill bet you cant beat me ill put $40 on it

hey your good at this you just hustled me
by weathrguy April 27, 2011
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to hurry, pressure, trick, push around a person into getting something you want from them. Like: money, a good deal on a product or job, a favor, job, even sex.
He hustled that fool into buying a wracked car for 2000$

That guy earns more money in a week hustling thank i do in a month doing an honest day job.

Jim hustles his way into anything, he got Jessica to go to bed with him and he didn't even got her drunk.
by kittah.s September 19, 2011
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Ok since its urban dictionary Hustle is like a hobby you got that makes money. Like sellin drugs or painting houses. If it aint a job with taxes its a hustle. Tax free money
I had to get my hustle gf wanted to give me a couple 100 to come over and eat the booty.
by I still Dont like you April 5, 2016
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To do things to get closer to your personal aim.
Selling drugs to get more money for a better life is an example for the hustle.
by Thenonhead April 3, 2007
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I was hustling on lake ave and those po po's walked up on me again
by hustler August 5, 2003
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How You Stand Through Life Everyday (surviving)
by UnknownC4 April 12, 2018
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To take down or defeat.
(Often refering to the winning of a game 'I just hustled my opponent')
-Can be used more ambiguously for many situations, e.g. 'I just hustled that sandwich'
by Charlie VB May 29, 2007
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