
"hoe in training" - Young girl who is or someday will become a real Hoe.
by Nick April 26, 2005
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to strike something with a lot of force, as when the wheels of a car hit the pavement of the road
I'm going to hit the road early tomorrow morning - my jimmy parents are making me go to church
by Anonymous December 9, 2001
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fucked up; drugged up; ready to fuck; messed up
"She looks so hit"
by melissa April 12, 2003
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Is the meanest way to call a ugly Person. An abbreviation for hitrocious.
I went to a party to meet this girl. Her face was fucked up! She was Hit!
by Sassa December 18, 2005
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To imply that someone is very un-attractive. Or to be blunt, just butt-ugly. Shortened version of "Hit with an ugly stick"
Guy 1: "I think that chick at the end of the bar wants to go home with me..."

Guy 2: "Man, she is really hit... It must be twelve dark thirty...
by larryj March 13, 2010
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that couch is really hit.
by bobdobbs May 15, 2003
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